
Bosnia and Herzegovina is famous for its crystal-clear water and clean and fresh air perfect for work and leisure.


The wonderful bridges that span the rivers of Bosnia and Herzegovina truly bridge many civilizations and cultures that call their homeland Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Canoeing and kayaking are popular throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina with its pure and crystal-clear waters.


Fish are abundant in Bosnia and Herzegovina where most of the freshwaters are rich in trout, carp, eel and bass.


Ethno villages of Bosnia and Herzegovina are unique sanctuaries where you may escape from the urban fuss and mess.


Bosnia and Herzegovina has a long tradition of academic life.


Bosnia and Herzegovina is well-known by its handicrafts and traditional patterns showing the diversity of cultural influences.


Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country rich in natural resources, covered with large areas of farming land, extensive woods, and water potential.


Winter lovers may find Bosnia and Herzegovina as a country with a lot of snow but sunshine.


Cuisine which is a blend of east and west is definitely one of the main reasons why people love Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Bosnia and Herzegovina has a plenty of religious and cultural edifices placed in the urban city centers.


Bosnia and Herzegovina was enriched by wonderful Oriental art and culture, particularly in housing and urban living.


Bosnia and Herzegovina has many unique historical relics.


Bosnia and Herzegovina is known as a cradle of great music talents and good entertainment.


In the winter, quality and continuous snow in the mountains of Bosnia and Herzegovina constitutes suitable climatic conditions for winter tourism.


There are over 2 million hectares of agricultural land, both for crop growing and livestock rearing.


For true nature lovers there are many green oases out of the big cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Bosnia and Herzegovina is home to a great number of animal species.


Thanks to the Mediterranean sun, the well reputed wines of Bosnia and Herzegovina have been awarded many times for its good quality and taste.


For the adventure seekers and nature lovers Bosnia and Herzegovina is a wonderland of pristine wilderness.


In Bosnia and Herzegovina you will find an amazing blend of east and west, allowing you to cross cultural and historical bridges you never thought possible.

走进波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那, 您将发现新旧交替、传统与现代融合的城市规划。

In Bosnia and Herzegovina you may find a mixture of the old and new, traditional and modern city planning.


Old towns keep their ancient spirit in almost all big cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The incomparable richness of traditional craftsmanship produced a unique mixture of various influences in the cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Bosnia and Herzegovina ranks in the top 10 in Europe in terms of geothermal resources and potential.


Bosnia and Herzegovina has many national and natural parks which are well preserved and untouched natural beauties.


Located at the meeting point of different civilizations and cultures, the religious elements in Bosnia and Herzegovina have an important role in terms of religious tourism.


Bosnia and Herzegovina is known by its very old religious edifices open to visitors with all preferences.


Bosnia and Herzegovina is very proud by its international art and cultural festivals.


The feature that most defines the culture and history of Bosnia and Herzegovina is precisely the peaceful co-existence of different communities, lifestyles and traditions.


Bosnia and Herzegovina has a great potential for modern infrastructure.


Bosnia and Herzegovina has a hardworking highly skillful labor force with desire to learn.


Natural water resources and fertile soils are abundant in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Bosnia and Herzegovina is well known for its wild-water rafting adventures.


Bosnia and Herzegovina which had hosted different cultures like the Mediterranean, Roman, Ottoman and European throughout history is a mixture of the old and the new World.


Bosnia and Herzegovina is a mostly mountainous country with the Dinaric Alps dominating the landscape.


Rich history of Bosnia and Herzegovina has left its trails and monuments of cultural-historical heritage as fortresses and towers.


In Bosnia and Herzegovina you may visit the old traditional residences to feel the spirit of social life during the past centuries.


Bosnia and Herzegovina has a peculiar Mediterranean style of houses typical for the southern regions.


Bosnia and Herzegovina offers a chance to visit various religious monuments with holy values for people with different worldviews.


There are more than three thousand identified species of flowering plants in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Architecture of Bosnia and Herzegovina was influenced by many European prominent styles.


Bosnia and Herzegovina has a huge potential for spa tourism.


Deep in the mountains of Bosnia and Herzegovina you may find the rural communities enjoying the life in pure and fresh air environment.

Visa free regime between B&H and China

Export - Import Operations

Export import matters in Bosnia and Herzegovina are regulated by the Law on Foreign Trade Policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This Law regulates the basic elements of the system for export and import of goods and services and determines general and special conditions for the performance of economic activities abroad and for the performance of economic activities by foreign natural or legal persons in the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. For the purpose of international trade, the movement of goods and services is free. The export and import of goods is free of any quantitative restriction or of any measure of equivalent effect. This does not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on international trade of goods justified on grounds of publicity, public morality, public policy or public security, the protection of health and life of humans, animals or plants, the protection of national treasures possessing artistic, historical or archaeological value, or the protection of industrial commercial property or to eliminate drugs and waste materials.

The movement of goods representing a capital investment by a foreign legal person or an increase of a capital investment, other than goods whose import is subject to special restrictions, is free if in accordance with the legal transaction on which the foreign investment is based. Services can be freely provided within the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Council of Ministers may, to the extent consistent with trade agreements to which Bosnia and Herzegovina and/or Entities is party, prescribe that the internal trade of specific services can be carried out subject to specified conditions.

Customs Policy Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina regulates import and export customs issues. Import customs rates are harmonized with the EU Nomenclature. Depending on the type of products, customs rates are being reduced to 90%, 75% or 50% of the previous rate, while customs rates are completely eliminated for some products. The reduction of customs rates is valid only for goods originating from the EU, not all the goods being imported from EU. Customs protection is still provided for agricultural products for which customs rates will mostly be paid as previously.

Under the provisions of the Customs Policy Law, the following goods are exempt from custom duties: equipment being imported as a part of foreign investment, except for passenger cars, slot and gambling machines; equipment for military and police forces of the Entities financed entirely by donors; equipment for reconstruction projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina that have been approved by the Council of Ministers and are fully financed by donors or by international community.

The equipment that makes part of a foreign investment cannot be lent, pledged as a guarantee, rented or given up without previous consent of the customs administration. If such equipment is lent, pledged as a guarantee, rented or given up, corresponding customs duty would have to be paid on it.

The following items are also exempt from import duties: fixed assets, industrial inventory and equipment imported on the basis of transfer of business activities from abroad to Bosnia and Herzegovina, intermediate materials to be used for manufacturing of goods for export, advertising material, samples, catalogues, goods for charity and humanitarian agencies, etc.

Incentives and exemptions from payment of custom duties when putting the goods in free circulation are determined and granted by the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina. All goods that may be exempt from payment of customs duties are stated in the Annex 4 to the on Customs Policy Law.

Equipment imported as foreign investment shall not be older than 10 years. A certificate issued by the authorized body needs to be provided, confirming that the equipment meets necessary standards on environmental protection and protection at work.

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s major foreign trade partners are:

Croatia, Germany, Serbia, Italy, Slovenia, Russian Federation, Austria, China, Hungary, USA, Turkey, France, Montenegro, Czech Republic and Poland.

Bosnia and Herzegovina signed the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) with the following countries: Albania, Serbia, Moldova, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia, UNMIK/Kosovo.

Bosnia and Herzegovina has also signed a Free Trade Agreement with Turkey.

The Interim Agreement on Trade and Trade-related matters (IA) between EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina entered into force on 1 July 2008, and it will be in force until the ratification process of Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA), is finalized by the all the EU members states and EU institutions.

The IA effectively creates a free trade area, with progressive opening of the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina facilitating economic and social development.

Bosnia and Herzegovina has profited from EU autonomous trade measures since 2000. Following the entry into force of the Interim Agreement, access of products from Bosnia and Herzegovina to the EU expanded, and EU exports to the country have been granted trade preferences.

Bosnia and Herzegovina also has generalized system of preferences with USA, New Zealand, Switzerland, Norway, and Japan.

Furthermore, Bosnia and Herzegovina has preferential export regime with Iran.


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